The monster couldn't even fit in my bag properly.
But after three months of crying myself to sleep at night and throwing bricks heavenward while listening to emo songs I finally got my shit back together and got around to getting me a new phone. It's pretty damn sweet. Okay I lied. It's freaking sexy and if it was a human I would jump it, rip its clothes of and... uh.... have tea with it.
Hello Sony Ericsson w810i.
Being a Nokiahead I'm sure I've said that I would never get anything BUT a NOkia EVAR.
Well, I lied.
I mean, I still really do want to get one of them cool N series with the sweet 3G but right now it's a little too bulky and a little too FUCKING EXPENSIVE. DAMN YOU NOKIA. WHY MUST YOU MAKE IT SO HARD ON ME. WHY?!?!?!
Strictly for comparative purposes only.
Anyway. MY w810i is sweeter than yours because it's totally like, white. WHITE okay. THE SYMBOL OF PURITY. INNOCENCE. STERILISATION. FEMINITY. PEACE DOVES.
Totally better than your boring mundane it's-not-even-a-colour-but-an-empty-space black.
Not gay
What I really LIKE about this phone is that
1. It is ridiculously sexy tiny. (3250 was as bulky as a brick)
2. It is ridiculously sexy light. (3250 was as heavy as a brick)
3. It has a ridiculous night light. (3250 doesn't have any of that shit)
4. the camera is orgasmic. (3250's camera.. huh what camera)
5. Big big screen - all the more better for me to check out.... videos.
It even came with some really gay Lee Hom images and video - which I'm sure is only available for the ASIAN phone markets. Angmoh people won't even know who the flying fuck this gay looking chink is. I mean, I'm like, Lee Hom's GREATEST FAN EVER and I REALLY WANT TO HAVE HIS BABIES, but lately he's been gayin' it up a little too much for my liking.
Took some test shots with the 2MP camera function and since I readily admit that I'm a chronic can-not-be-saved-doomed-to-an-eternity-in-hell-camwhore and have a big generous heart, I willingly sacrificed myself (and your eyes) for the greater good of this little camera test.
Pictures are not edited to correct lighting or sharpness or whatever you photoshoppers usually do to make your pictures appear prettier. I am testing the greatness of my camera here, not to showcase my lack of hotness etcetc... But I did collage it, which wouldn't effect the quality of the photos whatsoever.
Daylight, without flash:
Night, with flash:
Almost as good as a REAL CAMERA OMG. I must admit that the camera function is WAYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyy better than my old new freaking Nokia 3250's where the pictures turn out as grainy as hell and at a certain distance, comes out distorted and off-coloured. Nokia 3250 takes absolutely SHITTY night pictures, and the "night mode" doesn't help much. SE one has flash, which pwns the Nokia's camera function upside down and makes it its bitch. What a hoe.
What I really DISLIKE about this phone is:
1. It's not as user friendly as any Nokia phone I've ever used. It's lacking so many little things I've always taken for granted with a Nokia. Maybe I'm just biased. Maybe I'm just too used to NOkia. Maybe the SE is just gay.
2. The in two built games are pathetic. One of them which I bothered trying was a gayed up version of the classic tetris which my 14 year old sister LOVE to bits, but she's 14 years old, and she worships Rihanna... so.. trust her taste? No.
3. The Walkman function is also a little gay.
4. THe Radio dunction is very prone to white noise.
5. AND MOST OF ALL [commence rant]
I FUCKING HATE THE SMS FUNCTION WITH A VENGEANCE. HOW CAN THEY WHAT THE HELL. THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! Look, I am very anal with my SMS function, as I abuse it to BITS. The average 400-500 smses a MONTH is a good indication of how FREAKING important SMSing is to me. So, no do NOT give me that crap about how it takes getting USED to BECAUSE IT TAKES MORE than the patience of a SAINT to fucking get used to it. I'll get used to it when I DIE maybe, because that's probably how LONG it'll take ME to get use to it.
First of all, the fucking keypads are so HARD even elephants would have problem trying to fucking key anything with their super duper elephant strength. I have to deliberately and forcefully hit every. single. key pad right smack in the center of it before the software can recognise the freaking letter. If I go too fast sometimes it misses the letter. If I go too slow, it just drives me MAD HULKSMASH. YEARGHHHHHHHHH!!!!11111one.
Secondly the "SPACE" button is NOT on the "0" keypad, but ON THE "#" keypad so that COMPLETELY FUCKS up my smsing rhythm (I do it without T9 because T9 is for faggots), which results in me having to ERASE A LOT which THEN leads to another PAIN IN THE ASS.
The FUCKING Erase button which is typically the "C" is NOW on the RIGHT side, NOT the left side which is normally where the "C" button was on ALL my freaking NOkias. Now the left side is saved for the almighty "Go Backwards" button so everytime I fuck up a letter (which is FUCKING OFTEN NOW WITH THESE RIDICULOUSLY UNFRIENDLY KEYPADS AS SENSITIVE AS SANDSTONES) my left thumb would instinctively press on the "Go Backwards" where it would take me to completely DIFFERENT window and my sms message would go byebye and BE GONE. Forever! Rinse! Repeat! Until I feel like smashing the fucking contraption with a sledgehammer then use the sledgehammer to smash MY head in to get rid of the stupid HEADACHE from trying to SMS. ARGH!!! INFURIATING^INFINITY!
[end rant]
Oh god. I have a headache now.
Funny thing was, I did have a go with the keypads on a friend's similar model. I thought it was alright then, but I forgot about testing it for SMSing.... hahaha... totally asking for it. What a dumbass. Sigh.
Despite my over the top bitchings about that bit, I still like my phone though. It's still pretty fucken sweet. I only bitch about things I'm fond off. It's when I'm indifferent about it, that's when it should be shitting steel.
well, you can always download mobile java games into your phone.. there're tons of free mobile java games on the net... and some of them are pretty fun and cool.. =) agree with you that the smsing part is difficult to adapt to.. (i switched from nokia to SE k800i.. =P)
ReplyDeleteFA: Tell me what's a good game for an SE? I'll go download it!
still looks to be the same seize with the 'brick' from here. heh.
ReplyDeleteFA: Hahaha it does huh? But it's really tinier. Really!
low tech la u ... i would ask u 2 get a dopod 595 ... but i think it's way too complicated 4 pple like u. Only thing that is constant is change... if u can't handle change... u're never gonna evolve... u never gonna evolve...u're as good as blonde foo!
ReplyDeleteFA: .... and I should totally be taking advices from anonymous wankers like you who comments like a retard. Thanks.
Why do you get this phone at the first place when you know you are not a super duper elephant?
ReplyDeleteFA: Didn't know mar. Can use it to train finger strength now. Woot!
T9 is for people who bother to LEARN TO DO SOMETHING MORE EFFICIENT
ReplyDeleteFA: Faggot
Why did you buy the phone despite all the complaints and disliking the interface?
ReplyDeleteJust because it's white?
You could have just painted the 3250 white.
FA: You could let KY bend you over and fuck you in the ass or something
After training your finger strength you can finger...your phone?
ReplyDeleteFA: After this, I'll probably be able to finger ANYTHING. ;)
signs of aging.
ReplyDelete- last time bought phone forgot to check the most important function ever. for general users. to call and hear people.
- now buy phone forget to check most important function ever. for you. to sms.
About any Java-based game can be downloaded to your SE.
ReplyDeleteand once you are used to SE, it's hardly you'll turn back to Nokia... coz they are gay.
Or maybe SE is gay, and you bought they phone coz you are gay too.
FA: Yeah. I just bitching for fucks only lah my life loses its meaning if I don't bitch about EVERYTHING.
oh shit i forgot to add most important thing.
FA: Hahah damnit. I getting old lazy and more scatterbrained than ever. Did you know that geniuses are over scatterbrains. HaaahahahahAHAHah. Ahem.
voices - ditto.
ReplyDeletei spent lots of time playing Sims, Lemonade tycoon and Tomb Raider on my phone.. although not as fun as playing on the com, but its still cool.. games like sonic and gemjams are fun distractions too! good luck searching for the games.. but then again, if u cant get anything that u like, I can always mail you the JAR files for the games.. =P
ReplyDeleteIsn't your w810i humping N3250?
ReplyDeleteFA: Herro? My 3250 got STOLEN THREE MONTHS AGO?
That's just a horny 3310.
ReplyDeleteFA: the w810i is the one on top though...
wah lau eh.... your white one must come make love to mine, a black one!!! mwahahah!!!
ReplyDeletei never used a nokia and i've no quarrel of all those problems you listed. and for goodness sake, what's so great bout nokia? =P
FA: Then get baby grey SE w810is? Sure why not. hahah
nokia is lame. the last good nokia phone was the 2210 -- throw here and there also tak rosak.
ReplyDeletese rox.
i switched from nokia to se. also had to adjust my sms rhythm and what not.
best of all, i learnt how to use the t9 ;)
FA: Yes master. Maybe one day. When I'm dead.
suan, i thought your nipple not functioning properly anymore?
ReplyDeleteuhm, i mean the phone nipple joystick thingy.
se build quality lame, nokia just about everything is lame, bleh don't know what phone to go for next.
I think the 810i is pretty slick, despite whatever short-comings you highlighted. Most of it just requires some adjustments on your side after all those Nokia years. Once you're into it, I'll guarantee you'd start shouting at Nokia for those outrageous prices slapped on crappy phones.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the phone!
FA: Yeah. I shouldn't be writing about it now since it's still the "getting to know you" phase. But despite all that bitching I still like it lah. hehe
Nipples can be replaced.
ReplyDeleteTrust you to make a post on cellphones sound 25SX.
ReplyDeleteYou never sent me any SMSes...
SE800i key pad is softer.
ReplyDeleteFA: k750i also
paul: it's functioning properly
ReplyDeleteNokia sucks, SE interface is much better, Nokia is so stone-age, you aren't used to it, you will learn it, it will take over you!
ReplyDeleteFA: Still got the SE in the end mah. :)
I'm still waiting for SE850i and pray hard that the keypad is designed for human usage and not elephants.
ReplyDeleteThe white one, such a babe~
My Nokia looks exactly like your sisters.
ReplyDeleteI use it as an alarm clock. [It's not registered].
gua punya phone phone sumua tak pernah cost more than RM250. Boleh call, boleh bual bual, boleh vibrate, boleh SMS, sudah cukup. kecik lagi tu. no need fancy schmansy feature wan. hehe
ReplyDeleteGlad you like my picture. I like your picture too. We should get together some day.
ReplyDeleteFA: Hahahaha whoever you are, thanks for the laugh, you bloody joker you.
hmm the phone gives your cheeks justice
ReplyDeleteGet a house phone and be done with it. Ei... don't forget to bring your old phone along. We can use it if we get chased by dogs.
ReplyDeleteIs that a rare colour of W810i or limited edition?It certainly looks more orgasmic than the camera.Those black ones are just like thousands of overly duplicated trinket which yea...not unique.I agree that the sms-ing sucks and lag to max which makes u wanna put a few more scratches on the screen or just resort to snail mail instead.But then,u'll get use to it sooner or later.Take care :)
FA: It's a newer edition, apperently. The white is BEAUTIFUL.
have the same prob with the sms when shifting from nok to SE...but now, i have prob doing Nok after using SE.
ReplyDeleteGood site for free java games?
applicable for more advance model like yours too, since it could be used for my 750.
by the way, you could adjust the EV on the camera...:)
FA: Tenkiu! You're like, awesome!
Scarey FA Vampire picture now up!
ReplyDeleteFA: You do know that it could lead to nightmares.. right?
Woops. link should be this
ReplyDeleteIt didn't like not having the http in front! Hope this one works!
Wow, that's the most thorough review of a phone I've ever seen! What do you do when you get a car?
ReplyDeleteFA: Funny you should ask --->
What wonderful nightmares they would be! :-)
ReplyDeleteJust got an SE k750 recently. Switched from nokia as well. Hate the whole SMS thing, but getting used to it. With loads of practice you might get used to it. And T9 is still gay.
ReplyDeletespastic calling sum1 retard... hahah ok ok... your block your bitch... still low tech girl...
ReplyDeleteWhoa! When I switched from Nokia to SE, the SMS really threw me off-whack. But still, for that price, it was the cheapest Bluetooth phone. I could have bought two of thm for the price of the Nokia I aimed for.
ReplyDeleteStill, SE models are coming up nice and also Motorola. Maybe I shall get a walkman phone next year.
F.A., I also read your review of the Audi Whatever, and you and Suanie seem to share a fascination for the, boot. Women!
ReplyDeletew810i kicks ass
ReplyDeleteahh you'll get used to the keypad and the new sms thingy i sure did a few days after getting my SE
ReplyDeleteSE kicks ass yo! the cam superb! sony digi cam technology!
walkman pretty ok ma! bundled with 512 memory some more!
Hahaha you finally got one! So happy for you. White suits you well, it's like the color of your knuckles when you get angry. :P And like Paul said, EVERYTHING about Nokia is lame. Welcome to a better place.
ReplyDeletekalamari - T9 is not gay! it's err...
ReplyDeleteWhat the talk time and standby like when you use it?
ReplyDeleteAm quite tempted to get the w810i too.
stupe: It's gay. Nuff said.
ReplyDeleteDear dudette,
ReplyDeleteYou'll get use to it in a shortwhile and you'll love it. Before that, beware of deleting your 'A' listed contacts though.I was traggic...
Back to your question, yes, we drank together before. And when will be our next session? Do you like blue colour drinks? It sucks...
Dear dudette,
ReplyDeleteWhere is my post? Gosh! You must have eaten them... Nvm, today is the Mooncake festival, god granted me a chance to resurrect my post. Here I am.
Btw, when are we going to drink again? Yes, again. We drank together before.
nice, this time be a smartie and get the damn phone some security and don't don't ever leave it out of your sight. chain the bugger if you have to :)
ReplyDeletei need some help regarding somme help urgently regarding my indutrial training! please hop over for more details, if you're a sabahan. even better
ReplyDeleteHah. Nice phone.
ReplyDeleteI was asking the same question about the freaking buttons on Sony Ericson. They should just use the 'C' button instead of the 'go back' and what crap buttons.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Nokia was smart to come out with it first and Sony can't curi the so 'damn simple' button idea!
i hope you're able to build a house of nokia since you have already maligned it as a brick ! !
ReplyDeleteit was a high point during it's prime years . . .
but nonetheless it has become redundant in this new bright and technological futuristic era...
First of all, why the heck do you buy that phone and start bitching about how it sucks on your blog. And second of all, why bother camwhoring? You're bloody ugly. Look at that chicken skin hanging off you cheekbones. Pathetic...
ReplyDeleteDumb ass... I wonder why your readers actually bother reading you complain post to post. Waste of time. U suck balls. Get a life...
ReplyDeleteOMG!!!! agreed, agreed, agreed!!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't use T9 either, well, mainly cause I don't know how... but the point is... SE's sms function SUCKS!!!!! and you know those symbol thingys like : ; " ' , . and stuff, on nokia you just press * and the whole list comes out, on the stupid SE you have to press more and then add symbols and then the list comes out! and the apostrophe mark on the 1 button takes 6 presses instead of 3 on nokia, correct me if I'm wrong, but don't we generally use apostrophes more than dashes which replaces the 3 presses on the SE..... yeah, I just moved from a nokia to a SE too... and the games on my phone suck as well! they gave me vijay singh golf, at least if it were tiger woods I'd still have something nice to look at, but no, it's vijay, no offence, but he's a little too heavy for my liking.... everthing else about the stupid phone is super chunted but the sms function!!!!!!!!! argh...... screw up... feel so betrayed..... :(
p.s: you know what... I made the switch from nokia to SE because my nokia got stolen too.... -_-"
This is exactly what I expected to find out after reading the title s Hot.. Thanks for informative article