Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy Brand Spanking New Year!

Sorry ah... AWOL for so long. Body was on a holiday so the brain was incubated.

Didn't go anywhere this time. Spend a lot of time doing absolutely nothing. And it was GREAT.

But cilaka have to get sick towards the end of my break. Now coughing like mad. :(((((

Coming back to work after almost 2 weeks of leave is not a great feeling. Dreaded waking up. Dreaded the morning cold. Dreaded the morning traffic. Dreaded the driving to work. Dreaded the impending workpile. Dreaded the Inbox. :(


I didn't even consume a drop of alcohol.

... this situation will be corrected by the end of the week.

Celebrated Xmas at KY's. If you weren't there, you were square! (haha)

Argh. The office is still so empty.

Thank goodness it's already a Wednesday.

Man, I didn't even attempt to come up with resolutions. Don't know if it's just me, but it doesn't feel like a new year yet. Everthing feels old. There's no renewed vigour towards... well anything.

I don't even feel like blogging anymore.


It's probably just the holiday hangover talking.

Welcome back all you corporate drones who just got back to work today.

How was your Xmas and New Year celebrations? Share!


  1. Happy New Year! Celebrated New Year in Mid Zone Countdown 2008 Party. It's cool, first time I dance in the rain and see fireworks in such close proximity. The down point was, you're not there, sigh. Well, wish you'll a great 2008.

  2. Well, my Xmas was Okay. Very hot in Perth. My New Years was Awesome, as per my blog entry. Was sad you couldn't make it.

    Me have Tim Tams from Australia. Will buy you a drink if we meet up somewhere. Talk to the Awesome Suan if you need to, she is my awesome tour guide / social arranger ... sort of. lol

    I'm not back at work until the 17th of Jan. ha ha ha ha!

    Glad you are feeling a little better. Hopefully you'll be cured by the time I buy you a drink, else the alcohol might weaken your immune system more.

  3. yeah. u 2.

    but really, u looked way thinner nowadays.

    FA: LIES

  4. take care of yourself lenglui

    marry me x'mas too

  5. Hi Chubs!

    NO WONDER NO TIME TO UPDATE LAH. hahaha. u notti notti!

  6. i didnt see you at midzone :( :( :(


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