Tuesday, November 27, 2007

WJS 5122

Yeah you. The cockfag driving that champagne coloured Honda who SUDDENLY cut into my lane at a TURNING without signalling.

I hope you die of the most embarrassing most painful venereal disease known to mankind which rots your slimy smelly puss covered dick until it falls off. Your mother should've left you to the wolves when she could, what was she thinking?


  1. chill. this entry is full of wraths. the ju-on in you i guess. haha. anyways, happy working :)

  2. hmmm... didnt u blog something similar to this not too long ago?

  3. you can actually check his details online...

    800206015941 is his IC number...got it off the government website just by running his plates.

    and then... you can get their address too.

    but i guess he is not really worth the time.

  4. i think u better drove a lorry. can just whack them!!

  5. I was having the same thoughts as zewt. Although, I remember the other post was longer than this one. Anyhow, it is just as explosive. The other number plate is WMB 6724.


  6. Yupe yupe. Same situation, different car. I don't drive a Honda, so I'm innocent.

  7. go jalan pasar , pay the bomoh Rm15. she will make ur curse come true.

  8. Thanks for the 4D number.

    Much appreciated.

    Keep em coming. Bai bai.

  9. She has lost the passion of blogging. Hence, just blog unnecessary craps over and over again. That's my opinion. Have a good day!

  10. You really ought to visit WHO HQ in Geneva. They've got, like, the most awful diseases in test tubes and beakers all around the place. Some of them with no vaccines..

  11. puss covered dick??

    is that Richard with cats all over him?

  12. Er, if you are the driver, I am sorry, I didn't see you coming. My signal light is broken and needs to be fixed. I shall get that done before the end of the week.

    Please accept my apology.

  13. Shhheeeeiiiittttt!!!!!!!! He actually responded...

    Someone: What government website did you go to?

  14. whoop dee doo.. you rantings has finally paid off.. the miserable sob has apologise.. if it is him... is the curse still effective?

  15. really or not, that guy? cos maybe u can help me with a golf-club-swinging cabbie...talk about drivers.

  16. I can see this idea turning into some kind of community site - people can come write about how some other car pissed them off with the number plate.

  17. yeah cool. we will do this to all drivers who drive like crap ass shitters! and those f**kers who park anywhere like its their fathers road!


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