Thursday, February 9, 2006

I've Been KennySia-ed.

Noticed a CRAZY mindfucking spike in traffic today.

And it's purely because of THIS.

I'm still not sure if it's a good thing or bad thing.

But here I am making a tiny announcement to discharge my accountability (omfg I can't believe I'm so smart I could SUBTLY add in a reference to accounting. GENIUS!), anyway.

1. I am not hot

2. I am not cute

3. I am not sassy

4. I am not funny

5. I am not witty

6. I am not intelligent.

So, some of you DID get it right. I'm REALLY just this plain looking, ineloquent, unfunny, pissy-pissy little single girl because nobody wants me except for my 52 stray cats, 2 sheeps, 5 ducks, 7 gerbils, 10 pigs and my Mongolian yak whom I love to call "snuffle" because he reminds me of that giant cute goofy hairball on Sesame Street.

There. That should clear off whatever assumptions Kenny might have misled you into thinking. Luckily for Kenny, he's living on an island far, far away otherwise I might have to feed my flesh-eating worms with his coconuts, and then forcefeed Kenny with said worms, pour vinegar all over his wounds and have the hyenas feed on him while he's being hung upside down by his dick. With a barbwire. (What I'm REALLY trying to say is, Thanks Kenny.)

If you came here expecting something SPECIAL, I WILL dissapoint you, unless you were expecting the bus-window-wiping-with-tongue sort of special, THAT I have plenty.

Help yourselves to a good day. Go away.

To the 10 of you who actually READ this blog because you know me in person and you are actually my FRIEND, you poor souls, regular blog transmission will resume shortly.



  1. do i have to go away too?

    i promise i'll be good *wink*

  2. To your points :
    1. Extremely True
    2. Very True
    3. True
    4. True
    5. True
    6. True

    Don't forget the Porcupine and Mr Skuunk in your garden wants you too!

    Hahahah.... nice start to a blog.
    So did you do the pictures of the cup and orage yourself or was that turnkey-ed too?


  3. i have to disagree with all 6 points, woman. nuf's said.

    i hope the fucker asked for permission this time. otherwise i'd like shove his head up his ass cause he seems to be really loving it there.

    FA: Hahaha... He's all right lah the bugger. It's his readers I'm afraid of.

  4. "Sia-suayed" is a more appropriate title. Hehe. But still, cool guy la.

  5. [from someone who wandered over from Kenny's]

    Eh I seriously thought the start of the videoblog was damn funny. I was just bitching about the weather yesterday going around the house going "FUCK! IT'S @%@%#@$$!# HOT. FUCK!" and so on. Don't know about the rest though, something about beer, didn't have the patience to wait for everything to download.


  6. i'll wait for the normal transmission...

  7. 1. You ARE hot. You're so hot the ground you walk on sizzles. Hell your name is FIREangel!

    2. I can see your nose growing longer steadily. You're kiut when you act kiut to pose for pics, but even cuter when you're unsure of yourself. Or when you're a lil drunk. Heh.

    3. I looked up the dictionary/thesaurus for sassy and I got words like mischievous, high-spirited, cheeky, lively, playful, and feisty. If it got anything else right about you i'd set the damn book on fire for fucking spooky accuracy.

    4. SEE???!! There's a fucking joke RIGHT THERE.

    5. Only witty people can attract so many readers to read their blog you bloody gorgeous bitch with low self-esteem.

    6. Ability to deal with numbers. Check. Ex professional chess player (haha kinda?). Check. Wit. Check. Amazing sense-making swearing prowess. Check.

    Gah i've argued about this with you so many times I feel like cracking open your head and stuffing it with hundreds of pages about how wonderful you are.

    SO SHUT IT kthxbai.

    hehe i heart you FAAAAA

  8. > To the 10 of you who actually READ this blog because you
    > know me in person and you are actually my FRIEND, you
    > poor souls

    1... 2....... 5..... 7.... 8.... 10.... damn. not in the ten. :(

  9. your first videocam blog is very interesting ! i find it very *cute*. btw, as one of the 3 candidate which is highly in consideration as Kenny date and with a name like *FireAngel*, you must be a catch...

  10. wow! your friend cheneille can really por lam pah! what a big asslicker

  11. "52 stray cats, 2 sheeps, 5 ducks, 7 gerbils, 10 pigs and my Mongolian yak whom I love to call “snuffle” because he reminds me of that giant cute goofy hairball on Sesame Street."

    I must assume these will be the stuffed animals you have in the house. 52 stray cats must be the hello kitty collection, 2 sheeps as brabra black sheep and 5 ducks? donald duck's?
    wtf. who cares.

    "1. I am not hot" - hence what is Fire for?
    "2. I am not cute" - yeah u are not, just adorable.
    "3. I am not sassy" - u sure?
    "4. I am not funny" - but u sounds funny when u are a little high
    "5. I am not witty" - i dun believe u
    "6. I am not intelligent." - or u will be receiving nobel prize already

  12. 'To the 10 of you who actually READ this blog because you know me in person and you are actually my FRIEND, you poor souls, regular blog transmission will resume shortly.'

    TEN! You run out of fingers and stop counting us readers who don't know you in real life and read everythin you write! Ptttthhhh!
    I'm insulted ... *pouts*
    I'll be back tomorrow anyway!!!!
    *pouts some more*

  13. Can u measure how long is the Kenny's dinasouraous(is the speeling correct?) and u published in ur blog to sia sue him.

  14. hell yeah you're hot. stop trying to convince us otherwise.

  15. 1. What? You're so hot, hell's fire is like ice.

    2. You're higher that cute.

    3. You're Savvy?

    4. You make me laugh so hard that the soup I eat will come out through my nose.

    5. You're beautiful.

    6. I am not intelligent.

  16. Awwww, you're soooooo shy in front of the camera. BTW, you realise that you were holding the mike like a phallic object? Hmmmm.....

  17. Even though you sounded quite vulgar, but you are still quite cute.

  18. i like Cheneille's reply best, anyway wtg engineering angst!

  19. This blog is great. You are freaking HILARIOUS!

  20. I hate people who have problems with girls swearing. What's up with that? Are you one of those Neanderthals who club their girlfriends, drag them by their hair back to your cave to cook for you, skin your mammoths and bear your children?

    I bet you also hate that women can have professional careers too. And it angers you that women CAN vote. Or that Julia Roberts is one of the highest paid among her peers and GASP! SHE IS A WOMAN. HOW DARE SHE!

    Just go back to your cave lah. Don't come back here. 

  21. hey why such negative response? if is not for kenny I wouldnt hv accidently click on ur blogsite, which by the way i think ur pretty cool~

    hahah cheers fireangel.

    P/S: im not lesbian, infact im a married woman!

  22. FA says,"Are you one of those Neanderthals who club their girlfriends and drag them by their hair back to your cave to cook for you, skin your mammoths and bear your children?"

    Errr, it is the opposite actually, except the children part. kekekekekekekekee.

  23. You left something out:

    7. I am a liar.

  24. hi
    Just some friendly advices.
    Please stop using rude words.
    You never know who will you be in the future.
    Who know you will get famous one day.
    Others will use these to attack you.
    I know thats you.
    But... think about ur future...
    All the best

    FA: "....You will get famous one day..."  Best. Joke. EVER.

  25. "Who know you will get famous one day."

    WTF. She's already famous.

  26. she is CUTE...but her friend Suanie SUX big time (lub you intra da witty)

    xoxoxo from Italy

  27. I'm on the 1st day of a auto detox eating regimen plan. I haven’t had a task to eat all day and I’m STARVING!! I can not accede how members say that they did not feel ardent daring this. I’m aswell a chunk bloodless and all-a-quiver and like I said, here is abandoned the anterior day. I’m no longer a abounding abandoned or large eater either. I’m not total how broadcast I wil last. At the potential of the day I'm appetite myself which can’t be an able factor. I’ll try and stick at it though, I’m just avaricious that the blackout and weak spot is traveling to carelessness or I cannot acquire the adeptness to administer on my plan on Monday.


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