Monday, April 7, 2008

It's Monday!

Good thing: Traffic was a breeze
Bad thing: It's monday!

I spent half of Saturday in KL, and the other half drunk, and then embarrassed myself in front of people I hardly know, woot! And then on Sunday I slept in the whole day to recuperate, watch loads of telly and Rome. Pretty good weekend eh? How was your weekend?


  1. woo.. better than mine! study the entire weekend. sad~~~

  2. shake leg
    drink a keg
    and play game
    so lame

  3. You had a nice weekend! Better than mine recovering from a head cold...

  4. Mine was okay. I built a robot. Watched a lot of Twilight Zone [original series] with my mother and brother.
    Conquered the world twice in Rise of Nations. Played Railroad Tycoon. Nothing exceptional.

  5. Rome? I watch it sometimes too. Good for making me sleep :P

  6. Friday night drinks at The Deansgate and Bluu in the Northern Quarter in Manchester City Centre. Welcomed the weekend with gusto.

    Saturday recuperation, booked tickets to Italy for a short break in May, dinner at friend's home

    Sunday - wonder where the weekend went. Laundry, lunch out with friends, went to bed in utter shock and disbelief at the fact that I need to go back to work in 8 hours.

  7. Sat - Watch VCD (HK TVB series)

    Sunday - *copy, paste*


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