Howdy folks!
Sorry about being MIA for a bit. Didn't have the time nor the mood nor the inspiration nor quite enough of alcohol; to cook up a post for your entertainment, and mine.
I DID however watched an anime and wrote a (very sterile) review for
Monsterblog. If you ever get sick of pretending to look busy at work when you're actually checking up midget porn in a minimised window on the bottom right corner of your monitor (I see you!), feel free to click the permalink below!
Why is Samurai Champloo Great.My first ever prim and proper anime review! YEAY ME!
If you don't know me by now, besides drinking, dancing, swearing, coming up with nonsense on this blog and stomping on little furry animals, I also enjoy watching animes.
My fetish for animes began when I first watched and got hooked on
Sailormoon when I was just a whee little wench of 16 (hey, young and stupid okay). I thought the girls were so cute and HAWT *nosebleed earbleed eyebleed* that I would pause the freaking CD between their transformations just to see exactly how detail the nude bodies were. *pervert*
Then I lost interest in Sailormoon because it just got too long for my goldfish attention span and too damn fucking annoying for my blood pressure to take. But over the years the interest for anime was still kinda there, on and off. There was a bit of Sakura Wars... a bit of Black Jack.. a bit of Samurai X... and some movie animes here and there by Gibhli Studios..... hentai.. haha kidding no hentai. No idea what that is, really *cough*
So quite recently (like 2 years ago) my fetish of anime was brought back alive with an OBSESSIVE VENGANCE with the introduction of
NARUTO.... until the fillers took over and fucked it up its ass. But then there was
BLEACH which completely SAVED me from the bottomless pit of emptiness.... until the fillers took over and RAPE the fuck out of it for me as well. DAmn fed up. Then started looking for those 20-over episode type of animes to watch - because I know at least THOSE have endings, and it won't bloody make me wait for one whole FREAKING week for just one measly 25 minute episode which usually ends at a cliffhanger causing me to fly into an insane RAAAAAAGE and CHOKE helpless tiny animals.
Along came
Escaflowne (damn slow!),
FMA (never completed because DVD fucked up half way),
Samurai 7 (bestest!),
Evangelion (most fucked up!), a bit of
Black Cat (gave me a headache).. and probably a few others which I've forgotten..... With so much animes to catch up on who needs men? (lies, all lies.... sigh)
Anyway, back to my post on Monsterblog. Did you notice something grossly lacking from it?
I'll supply a few of those words for you to sprinkle it about the post like herbs on lamb roast:
fuck fuck fucking jerk cocksucking wankers motherfuckers bastards shiteaters nofuckingway goddamnit fuck fuck fucking fuck tiuniaseng pokai what the fuck fuckers AWESOMNESTttt!!111one WTFWTF!?!!? evARRrr!!11oner pondscum asswipe fucking fuckers babies are delicious and good for you rape insects eat daisies FUCK!
There you go! Now go reread the review again with those words in mind and insert them about the post as you see fit! SO FUN RIGHT?
Hope you enjoyed the review. I plan to do more of that (watching animes and reviewing them, not throwing random profanities everywhere) if I ever find the time again, or manage to get my grimy paws on other people's ginourmous collections.
Any offers? Or at least some recommendations?
Just a few requirements though:
1. Animes must NOT be the KAWAII NE or the ROMANCE sort. I can't fucking STAND it and I'll shove it back into your eye socket.
2. I'm not too fond of mecha. Genuine otakus will argue and say that Eva was NOT mecha, but whatever. It's just not my style.
3. Big sucker for ninjas, samurais and underdogs kicking ass.
4. It has to be either a movie, or a short series.
5. Not too fond of manga as fight scenes never really looked good in them.
Itu saje kthx!
And have yourselves a great weekend! :)