Friday, September 5, 2008


Happy puasaing to you people who do it.

I'm surrounded by people who do it.

It's fine except I forget what time lunch is because nobody moves.

I've missed lunch 2 days already, just because nobody moved.

What a dimwit. :(

I curi-curi makan mango now.

Feeling a bit guilty actually. Coz I know my colleagues haven't ate the whole day, and here I am stuffing my face with mango, kekekekek.

Come ajak me for lunch! :P

(pay for me even better wahkakakakakKAKAKAKakaKAKak. I poor. :( )


  1. Come ajak me for lunch!

    this is where i come in.

    Jom siew yoke! (talk about the ultimate non-puasa meal. ahahaha)

  2. no wonder you keep such a svelte figure lah!! :)

  3. I love Mangoes especially those dark green ones which have a very nice smell and is sweet! But nowdays, any mangoes will do too!

  4. Come we go Jalan Batai for pork mee and Char Kueh Tiow.

  5. you all are selfish people only care about your own lusts. damn you!

    think about those people's business suffering badly during the pusasa month - like prostitutes

    (much lesser people fuck during puasa FYI)

    lets join our hands and pray for the whores so they can survive through this difficult time. ..... omn....omn....

  6. I'm going out for beers. Come join me.

  7. Come ignore the others because I'm your number 1 fansi.

    Asked you to join us already one wtf.

  8. come.. i belanja u for buka puasa. we go to one of those ramadhan buffets ok? :D

  9. Come i belanja you roti babi...i'm not joking..
    Roti babi available in penang or should it be proper if call "PORK BURGER"

  10. I will bring you out for lunch if Im in KL. Hehehe...

    Lunch, dinner and beer...yeahh baby..

    Take care.


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