Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Stop Shoving Shit Down My Throat FFS.

I'm done with work. I go to the mamak to have some dinner and wind down. The TV is blaring full force on top of me with the 8pm news. Guess what is on the news?

I'm listening to the radio, singing along to my favourite tunes on the way home. Having fun, smiling. Then the normal broadcast gets interrupted to bring me the latest news on... can you guess what it is?

It's a bright sun-shiney morning. I get ready for work. Eat my breakfast. Read the day's paper. What do I see in the first 10 pages?

Fuck man. I don't know about you, but I'm beginning to get really sick and tired of all this repetitive self-serving bullshit that's being thrown at my face and forced-fed down my throat like a victim of a Japanese water torture via every broadcast channel ever known to men left right, centre every other fucking hour.


Please lah, every year also feed us with the same bullshit. Then when the promises are not kept it is conveniently forgotten and we get some lame "We tried. Hard. So you know, whatever."

I mean, dudes. Why is my pipe water still yellow? Why isn't the LRT running as smoothly as the BTS in Thailand? Why aren't the bloody potholes on well-run roads EVER FIXED? Why do our buses still kill so many people? Why do I feel like snatch thieves, carjackers and robberies is something that can't be eradicated? Why do I keep hearing people who represent us saying stupid things on global media? In really, REALLY BAD English? Why is my shitty local car still less fucking affordable to me than a spanking brand new Honda is to an Australian? Why is my internet broadband at home still so shit? Why the fuck do I feel like I have absolutely no rights in this country and made afraid of my own enforcers? Why were the traffic lights at the busy intersection at my neighbourhood down so many times during RUSH HOUR?

Anyway this is just my 2 sen. This field isn't my cup of tea anyway. I don't know anything. I'm sheep. Baa baa baa.

P/s: I'm very blur with this - but can somebody explain to me why is airtime & screentime monopolised by only one? The others not allowed kah?


  1. Yaloh. I so fed up. All this "Obama is great, Hillary is bitchy..." Give the poor lady a break, man.

  2. I SUPPORT OBAMA!!!! but I iz in wrong country.

  3. '... taken for a long, bad, vomit-inducing ride. '

    That's called Political Spin. It makes everyone Nauseous. :-)

  4. Its because it is monopolized by Media Prima, which also has major stakes in the print media. Not that others cannot, but yalah, there are "invisible hands" that controls the co.

  5. other than the media prima monopoly, airtime and screentime are expensive, opposition got no deep pockets :/

    i like this post, in the midst of all the wankers telling us that economy improving this that, all these basic day to day things are fucked up.

  6. obama is hot and sound like osama. like sleeping with enemy it's hotz

  7. I'll answer one of your question. UMNO component party of the current ruling party before the parliament disolves owned Media Prima which owns TV3, TV8 and NTV7. Yes, all the private free TV station in Malaysia. As, they are still considered as the goverment before a new government is form after election. So, they also own TV1 and TV2 and all the Radio 1-5. Media Prima also own NST and Berita Harian by the way.

    Then comes in Huaren Sdn Bhd, which is the investment arm of MCA (also component party of BN) owns The Star newspaper and The Star owns Redifussion Radio Sdn Bhd which owns 988 and RediFM.

    That is why, there's only one sided coverage on the mainstream media.

  8. prime time tv3 costs 17K - 30k per 30 seconds. so if party pembangkang can afford that..... that will be the day where equality has meaning on this Malaysia sohai land.

    dont worry, you are paying for this air time, it's ur tax.

  9. Media Prima is linked to UMNO

    Basically, all the medias are controlled by UMNO and its franchisees, MCA and MIC. What else can they feed us if not the same shit?!

    In the nutshell, there is no Msia's wealth, only BN's wealth. We are in the deeper shithole than we can ever imagine.

  10. Or kam to da Yongfook-land. Where da food is da good and da people are da hotness.

  11. Eeeeyy baybey. Marree meh and move weet me out of heeah to Dabido-countreee. Where da sun is bright and de sea is bluuh.

  12. Well, no matter how rich the other, they can't do that in our coutnry. Because it's not money that matters, it's who give permits that matters here.

    You know why? Because our Sakyamuni told us not to get married but their one ask them to get at least 4 and will give 70 if they killed somebody for you know who.

    I mean... they know what is overdoing or not?

  13. err.. i feel u.
    i felt the same. sigh*

  14. Aiks.. even my hotmail's Ad Banners have been monopolised by Blue Scales..... arrghh... they are going online propaganda now!

  15. Nice no-nonsene down to earth ramblings about what is going on in this country.

    Even if the parti pembangkang has the $$$ to churn up ads, do you think the mass media which is own either by UMNO or MCA or MIC would allow the ads to be up?

    Doubt so.

    For those who are registered voters, please go out there and exercise your right. Enough crap already.

  16. They need more money to build more wank bridges! :-)
    The one that doesn't go anywhere is a HUGE hit amongst tourists! ;-)

  17. aiyo, FA, ini benda kena tanya kah? RTM obviously owned by you-know-who, other TV stations CONTROLLED by you-know-who, and most newspapers have you-know-whos influence.

    these few days, i wouldn't call them the media, rather propoganda vehicles. hell, i haven't seen or heard so much propoganda since russia was recruiting its red army.

    anywhoo, all those questions u have, well here's a standard answer from you-know-who so u don't have to actually go ask.

    "well, we are concerned about your problems and we are doing everything in our power to settle them. why dont you give us another (yes... ANOTHER) 4 years so we can help you better"

  18. You can come over my house and use my internets and watch Astro wid me. :-)

  19. ahahahha wtf. this quagmire sounds more like bengmire. :P

  20. Haiyo. They control so many thing, like newspapers, TC, etc., no one else on TV and radio make me so blur already.

    I also dumb sheep so, my election instinct tells me not to vote for them since everyday they advertise like that means they are desperate and not doing a very good job.

  21. Welcome to democracy! Or something like it.

  22. Many gripe, but I wonder how many of you are going to vote where your mouth is.

  23. If the state of affairs is bad, vote for a change!
    Vote for Obama.
    Oh wait. Wrong continent :)

  24. Just migrate to somewhere else lah... save the headaches :p

  25. I wanna vote for Billie Lim but he is not running in my area.

  26. Blah...blah...blah....i wan to return my papers to the vendor since all this bullshit campaigning started n get a refund. I wan real news not how many kgs 1 politician lost, wat herbal soups dey r taking n wat their wives r doing for dem. Is it freaking relevant?

    Was watching NTV7 9.30pm news n when opposition's news was being reported suddenly rancangan tergendala. Coincidence?

  27. Thanks for mentioning that buses are STILL killing people (what in the world is the Transport Ministry DOING?) and the bloody portholes that are wrecking havoc on my suspension!

    Kudos and go on with your two sen. Sometimes many ppl's two sen might finally add up to something. (I'm neutral politically too!)


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