It's great to have friends like Suanie.
Everybody knows her + she gets invited for parties + I am her friend + I get to tag along too (sometimes) = YEAY FOR ME!
It's been awhile since I've been for anything happening. Was starting to wonder if Suanie still liked me or not, hehe kidding only lah. I was the one being a bigbitch by turning down all her other invites because I didn't have anymore time for a life, THANKS TO MY (not so) new JOB.
So Royal Selangor Pewter just recently held a launch at their crib. I thought it was going to be like one of those corporatey stiff boring ass events attended by really old stiff boring people but oh how wrong was I and how glad I was to be wrong! It was a pretty awesome party! There was some crazy turkey theme going on, psychedelic light displays, belly-dancing, awesome food, henna tattoo people doing free henna tattoos, a factory visit, a quick pewter banging class.... and best of all, wait for it.......... FREE FLOW OF ALCOHOL!!! It's like MANNA FROM HEAVEN!!!!!!!
satisfied with their fill of food and drink, the mob decides to camwhore.
Bombay Sapphire (BS) was their main alcohol sponsor that night. I am no big fan of BS. By itself, or when mixed with any soft drink it tastes like what a mixture of pure paint thinner with a tinge of HELL might taste like. I hate it. But that night, I discovered that when mixed with cranberry juice and 7-up (that's what I thought the bartender told me): it tastes almost exactly like ice lemon tea. It was so mindblowingly NORMAL tasting I had about... oh... a LOT. So awesome it was I am now compelled to try this mixture at home! I know a certain somebody with an almost full bottle of BS in his room, cough.
Me, doing my thang in front of their Selberan showroom
The very nice people gave us a quick tour of their factory, and showed us how they made their products. It was an educational, eye-opening experience. Come, I share with you some of the stuff I learnt.
1. Most of their factory employees were women. They explained that in their experience, women in general tend to be more patient and have gentler hands than men.
2. A lot of Royal Selangor's products are made BY HAND. There was a lady who was making over a thousand uniformed dents all over a finished pewter mug with only a HAMMER. Sounds crazy? Believe it!
3. Do you know what pewters are made of? About 98% of tin mixed with a small proportion of copper and antimony added to strengthen it.
4. And here's something to be proud of, Royal Selangor Pewter (which is a 100% made in Malaysia baby) (which also owns Selberan and Comyn) is reputed to be one of the largest pewter factory in the WORLD! BOLEH!
Because it was an event night, guests were also allowed to register for a RM50 pewter knocking class for what a oh what an amazing price of ZERO BUCKS!!! YEAY! THE PERKS! THE PERKS! I LOVE PERKS! So they provide us with a flat sheet of pewter, and then commanded us to go forth and knock it up into a bowl.
This is some serious fun, man
Bernie Chan was there with her friends. I really don't need to describe how tall she is:
I am petite. And Kiut. Petite and kiut. Petite and kiut.
Obviously we get to take home our bowls (with our initials on it woot!). We even get to swipe home the apron! YEAY!
I did quickly mention that there was a couple of ladies who'd Henna tatoo you for free, yeah? Being the typical I-can't-resist-abusing-free-stuff Malaysian, I got both my hands tattooed. FOR FREE.
Kim did it too!
And so did Suanie!
And we all went home happy!
In conclusion:
The people at Royal Selangor Pewter sure know how to throw a mean party!!! Please invite us for more happening stuff! Which has lots of alcohol! Thank you!
Suanie was there!
So was Kim!
me heart suan
ReplyDeletewtf my modesty compromised!!!
Whoohoo! Hurray for Henna~~
ReplyDeleteI did henna for people during my school annual food fair. Tis fun! =D
... but I get to charge people for it though. ;D
lemon + 7up + BS.
ReplyDeleteIs there any reason like why the henna tattoo goes up the middle finger?
ReplyDeleteBS = bs
ReplyDeleteHenna tattoo on the top of the chest too?? Hahaha, ala the "genkai" power limiter for the Capt. Hitsugaya's squad in the recent Bleach anime series.
ReplyDeleteOMG, Bernie Chan even made her guy fren look like a midget fm the photo :D
petite and kiut = pk = pokai.
ReplyDeleteHUAHUAHUA oh god i have no life.
Darn~ you so 'hiao' bey tahan~!!
ReplyDeleteMakes me wanna slappie your backie~~
Hey FA,
ReplyDeleteYou look so decent with that dress... Nicer and yummier than gummies !!!
And here all along I thought that pewter stuff was forged in burning fires in deep caves by dwarves.
ReplyDelete"And here all along I thought that pewter stuff was forged in burning fires in deep caves by dwarfs."
ReplyDeleteIt is. Pewter melts at 240°C, but to make a casting they need to bring the temperature up to 300°C. And they pay their dwarfs real well. Some dwarfs can pay for the repayment of their cave dwellings with just their overtime pay.
Looks like things have changed a lot since I left that place years ago.
[...] Kimberlycun - Partying at the Launch of Royal Selangor Autumn 2007 Collection Fireangel - The Royal Selangor Autumn Launch Party Technorati Tags: arabic, bernie chan, FireAngel, Fun, Kimberlycun, Malaysia, malaysia pewter, [...]