1. Read
- The hobbit (re-read, after watching the movie)
- Personality Plus (a very interesting book about different type of personalities which was very enlightening - I'm learning to be more tolerant of others, or at least, i'm trying to lol.)
- Terry Pratchet's Soul Music (WIP)
- Terry Pratchet's Going Postal (mindless, witty, fun)
- Neil Gaiman's Fragile Things (weird, short stories)
- Thinking, Fast & Slow (WIP)
2. Spend more time with family and friends.
I think I did okay with the family part - helped with a lot of errands ie, groceries, chauffeuring.
I think I could've done more with the friends part, but the good thing is that I have met nearly everyone I've wanted to meet in the past 2 months... Except for the ones who are overseas. :(
3. Take trips
Penang makan trip - trips to penang are never bad.
Danang - heard that airasia was gonna axe the flight and was convinced to go. Interesting trip. Lots of vietnamese food and beer, and excellent company - so all in all, good. Key learning is that I should really do proper in-depth research before embarking on a trip to any third world countries that speak in a foreign language.
4. Get a job by March.
Well, I got a part time gig bartendering for the past month which was super awesome. Satisfying but exhausting. Very eye opening too, but I will have to cut down or eventually stop because.... I will be starting a spanking brand new job on the 18. I'm super scared to be honest. I've always worked for big corporates. I'm going to embark on a new journey with a tiny company run by chinamen... which is virtually a startup. Scared shitless. I will keep an open mind and heart because I chose to accept this job.
5. Pursue my passion
With the part time job I guess I did just that. :) Could've done more though. I still aspire to complete the IBA cocktail list by end of the year, update that blog, memorise classic recipes and learn bit of functional flaring because it seriously looks fucking pro and good - especially to the untrained eye of customers.
6. Catch up on sleep.
I think I did enough of this to last me a year lol. And does loads of veging in front of the telly count? hehehe.
7. Sign up for dance.
Signed up for 2 levels of salsa, one after another. But I think I won't be pursuing it anymore. While nobody enjoys dancing more than I do, this dance style is just too social for me. I prefer the one-way-performance only sort. I was to sign up for those classes, but never got around to... I hope I can after I settle down with some sort of a routine with the new job.
8. Gym.
Oooops. Didn't do enough of that. :P
All in all I think I did great. :) I haven't even been drinking much these 2 months. My alcohol tolerance level has dropped to a negative hundred I swear.
Throughout these 2 months I've learnt so much, discovered things about myself and of others and met all sorts of interesting characters. Life and people have been very good to me and I'm so thankful. :))) it has been an awesome ride. There has been ups and downs but hey i'm gonna not dwell on the down. And I'm gonna keep doing better and badder, hehe.
Above all, I learnt that if I am patient enough, worry less, be a little more positive, smile a lot more, trust a little more - things will eventually turn out okay.
Above all, I learnt that if I am patient enough, worry less, be a little more positive, smile a lot more, trust a little more - things will eventually turn out okay.
Now to brave on to the next chapter of my life.
Wishing you love and happiness, always. :)