A bunch of us decided to go to Cameron's for a relaxing overnight trip, which turned out to be quite an adventure in the end. More pictures, less words. Hey ho let's go!
On the way up, we stopped to unload.... and reloaded on Baskin Robbins.

Then some
champion had to get his car crashed.

Which was very ouch, seeing the he had quite recently paid loads of $$$ to fix his car. This crash forces us to squeeze a passengers from 3 cars into 2 tiny cars with no boot space. By the time everybody finally got up there, we were so famished we could eat a cow.

We were really hungry.

The night came, and we did what people who go up to the highlands usually do at night, makan KFC & drink beer, gamb.... play cards, got a fire started, howl at the moon, talk cock, sing song, laugh untill stomach pain.

We also cooked & ate potatoes by the fireplace...

... and camwhored of course.
Morning came back, and we did what people who go up to the highlands usually do in the morning.

Contemplate the meaning of life.

Eat a yummy breakfast.

Camwhore some more.

Chill (in every sense of the word).

Gamb... play cards

Do the must do touristy tea plantation visit....

.... and eat overpriced scones (RM16 for this set!!! WTF)
We also visited the quite pathetic looking bee/strawberry farm. It looked so sad we left 5 minutes after.
And before we left, one quick stop at the popular local coffee place.

You can run, but you can never hide from Starbucks.
Despite the car crash, it was a good, fun trip. Let's do it again soon, folks!