I did use to enjoy watching Mtv but not until bloody emo rockers, angsty hiphoppers, teenage reality shows took over the channel and transformed it into rubbish. Starworld isn't even my favourite channel anymore eversince an entire slew of stupid mind numbing for "housewives and college kids only" series came on air - one tree hill, the oc, desperate housewives, private practice, grey's anatomy, gossip girl, 90210... and not to mention the hundreds of idiotic reality tv shows which just makes me want to smash the tv into a million pieces......
So despite my rather happening, hectic lifestyle (not!) I try really hard to catch these few shows which are my favourite-st shows evAr.
Thirsty Traveller
It's not very hard to see why I love this show.
3 words.
Guy. Drinks. Travel.
When I grow up, I want to be just. like. him.
The "eat too full nothing to do" kings. Seriously how did anybody come up with this idea to set up a team which does all sorts of weird experiments just trying to bust myths? How?Why? The stuff they do and the crazy shit they come up with are too bloody hilarious! Who would've thought about folding paper the size of a plane hangar just to dispel the "you can't fold paper more than 8 times" myth. It's a complete waste of time, but incredibly too much fun. Science? and fun? Who would've thunk?
Dirty Jobs With Mike Rowe
Everytime I watch this show I can't help but smile. Mike reminds me of Hugh Laurie somewhat. But that's not the only reason why I like dirty jobs. This guy goes into the sewer, swims in shit, has his face covered in shit, can practically taste the shit in his mouth and still can afford to crack side splitting one liners. Love it!
Jamie Oliver
Everytime he is cooking he makes me want to lick the tv screen. He makes everything look so DELICIOUS! Completely messy, but YUMMY. I get hungry after watching an episode of Jamie Oliver. Every time. He makes cooking look so fun even I feel like cooking. _shudders_
Man vs Wild
It's hard to not like this crazy nut who wants to be left in the middle of no man's land only to try and escape it with nothing except his clothes on his back. Crazy fuckers who do strange things like that are high on my "very cool" list. But we all know that there's an entire crew we don't see who are there on back up and make sure that he DOES get his clean water and bug free food. And I really do pity his cameraman who's in more shit than he is because not only does he have to surive through the ordeal with him, he carries the CAMERA. But what I don't see, don't count I guess. Plus it doesn't hurt that the fellow is kinda cute. and hunky.... WAHKAKAKAKAKA. :P
What's your favourite shows on tv these days? And if you say friends reruns or grey's anatomy I will personally hunt you down and cut of your toes off with a rusty blunt blade.