Fiftynineminutes is basically a collection of 7 original plays (written and directed by group members) lasting a total of surprise surprise, 59 minutes. I checked my watch and it actually went on for a little over and hour actually. But because I'm so nice, I won't ask for my money back.
The plays were: Best Foot Forward, Mother Tongue, Fruitcake, Showers of Flowers, Track, The World’s Smelliest Durian, and The Ground Floor.
My favourite play of the night was The World's Smelliest Durian. Johann Lim was freaking awesome. It was in your face. It mocked. It was clean. Evrybody could relate to it. And it made everybody laugh. It was great. I wish there was more of these. They really needn't try too hard with drama. Comedy, humour, and poking fun of current issues and our culture works very well. I loved this!
Wai Yee put up a commendable performance in Mother Tongue, where she effortlessly switched between 3 accents. The plot of the play itself was a bit vague, and the ending a little confusing. But it was quite enjoyable to watch her do her thing. She did it well. And she was hot too. Freaking jailbaits.
Some of the plays were disturbing. Everytime someone screamed I felt really uncomfortable. Some overacted. Some were too stiff. But overall, it was a great effort! They really put in a lot of heart and time in this, and made some of us nostalgic. KY couldn't stop bragging about his time as a student 10 years ago, where he too participated in such plays himself, never mind that he's told us the same story for like about 4927 times already.
Five of them were abstract, interpretative pieces. Personally I have never been a fan of artsy interpretative pieces. It's like I hate Picasso's abstract paintings where he would modify a person's face a call it art, and then urge the audience the interpret what was going on his mind where he shifted the eye to the mouth or the ear to the nose. I would throw that trash out and put him back to kindergarten. Or how about when the camera focuses on a floating plastic bag in the middle of the street in a movie. For five minutes. That's complete bullcrap aimed to pad up the movie. For SPM essays where we had to find the "makna tersirat" (cryptic message) of a certain passage, I always made up some bullshit about the writer's emotion and his wish to kill himself - which is always almost right. So yeah. Never a fan. But you might like it though.
Do you know how old they are? The average age of the group is 21-22, the youngest being 18. And the oldest (only 2 of them), 26. DAmn ridiculous. Makes me feel ancient. And ashamed. I should stop blogging.
The good news is that it's only RM10!!! Where can you get ANYTHING for RM10 ANYMORE!?!? And they even throw in a free programme too! What a freaking steal! If you are a student this is PERFECT for you, because....
"TOS was founded in 2004 with the simple goal of making theatre more accessible to youth. A growing nonprofit theatre company, TOS serves as a hub for young, aspiring thespians from all walks of life. "
More Details:
When? September 28th - October 1st 2006 @ 8.30 pm
Where? The Dram Projects, BG06 Happy Mansion Apartments, Jalan 17/13 46400 PJ
Contact: Louisa Low @ 0163757833
Let's get back to me. Last night DURING dinner I was drowned in a wave of exhaustion. I was eating, and putting things in my mouth and suddenly my brain went "Dude. Sleepy. Go sleep now." So I went to bed. At 8.30pm. Apperently the rest of the body did NOT get the message from the brain so it decided that it would play a game of tossing and turning on the bed instead of sleeping, while the brain was on shut down mode.
I got up and popped a pill. This pill was prescribed to me by my panel of doctors, because I've complained to them about how I always take a few hours to actually fall asleep, no matter how tired I am. This pill which was prescribed to me is called Stilnox, and it's supposed to make me sleep. Well, let me tell you something, Stilnox is Very Bad Shit. Very. Bad. Shit.
I swallowed that thing, and it took effect about what felt like after 30 minutes. I felt like I was drowsing off. Then there was a floating feeling. Then the room moving feeling. Then colours under my closed eyelids. A whirlwind of colours. It made me dizzy. Then complete blackness. Until the next morning.
It knocked me out completely. I wasn't sleeping. I passed out. When I woke up I didn't even felt like I slept a wink. I saw myself in the mirror and my eyebags were there, as prominent as ever, hello Panda.
The freaky thing was, I received a phonecall during my comatose period. My phone recorded that it was a 1 minute over call. I called this person back again and asked if I actually had a conversation with him. Yes, he said. But you sounded bad. I said, I have no recollection of our phonecall. AT ALL. NO sense of familiarity. Nothing. The weirder thing was my phone was pretty damn far away from the bed. I had to get up. Walk to the phone. Answer it. Walk back to bed. Go back to sleep. But. I. Had. No. Memory. Of. This. Happening. EvAr.
My conclusion is that, Stillnox is Very Bad Shit. Anything which makes me forget what happens the night before is Very Bad Shit. It does not in any way make you feel good at any point of time. It did NOT help me with sleep. Putting me into coma does NOT equate to putting me to sleep. If your doctors ever prescribe something like that to you, shove it up their arses and walk away. That is all.