May something heavy fall on your toes, Cheneille.
Am interchanging album and songs. Am typing down the first title that comes to mind. Am not caring.
(Side note: I think I've almost perfected the Internet-diesease art! Geli sial. Damn buey tahan!! )
One song....... from your early childhood.
Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo, OST Walt Disney's Cinderalla. Remembered singing a lot of this in kindergarten. Ringrose Kindergarten.
One song....... you are associating with your first big love.
Heaven - Nu Flavour.
One song....... which reminds you of one of your holidays.
All I want for Christmas sang by the kid in Love Actually gets me into the mood FOR a holiday. Otherwise any oldschool CNY songs reminds me of Chinese New Year back in the kampung.
One song....... you like, but you have problems confessing to.
If you have issues with me liking my music, then it's your problem. Not mine. I don't have any problems with the music I like.
One song........ which accompanied you, while you were love sick.
For one week I was love sick over Wang Lee Hom. It was the same week when about 7 of us had to rough it out in the cramp meeting room for a week while the department was being renovated. I overplayed his mandarin duet with this lady and the other song with him wearing a tight-looking plain orange tshirt. Terus melt. Love sick giler.
One song....... you listen most often to in your life.
I had a few phases. The last album I was absolutely obsessed over was Moulin Rouge's OST. MY GIFT IS MY SONGGGGGG!!!! And this one's for you..... and you call tell everybody!! That this is your song. Ewan rocks. I can't believe he was that druggy hippy from Trainspotting, which rocked too.
One song....... which is your most favored instrumental.
Kojiki by Kitaro. I was ... 10. The cassette now has molds on it I think. Condemned to the max. I should buy me a new CD... for nostalgic reasons.
One song....... which represents one of your most favored bands. Scream-singing to Limp Bizkit's Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavoured Water helped me get through some really bad times, which totally sidesteps the question.. but whatever.
One song...... in which you recognize yourself or through which you somehow feel understood.
I don't want you back - Eamon. A simple, straight to the point Fuck you. Enough with the long winded you broke my heart how could you I gave you everything I loved you I never saw it coming I feel so sad songs, bitches.
That, and Numb - Linkin Park. Hey, I had some pretty tough years okay.
One song...... which reminds you of a certain occasion.
What occasion? Can you be like, more specific?
One song...... you like which belongs to the Hip Hop/Rap genre.
When I'm Gone - Eminem. Hahah fucker is like, mellowing already. His older angry raps are nice also. You can tell I like angry songs can't you?
One song....... which is the best for you to relax.
Yanni Live in Acropolis. Beautiful.
One song....... which symbolizes a great time in your life.
I'll be there for you - Rembrandts.
One song....... which is your favorite song at the moment.
No favourites atm. But I am furiosly listening to Tiesto these days. Muahahah.
One song....... which you would dedicate to your best friend.
Friends. Apa ni best friend best friend? What you think we're still in primary school is it? Insane In the Membrane - Cypress Hill.
One song....... where you have got the feeling that no one besides you likes it.
Walt Disney Cartoons OST.... even non-Disney cartoons like Anastasia have some pretty good songs in it. I'll also like to add that I have a soft spot for chinese nursery rhymes. They are just so catchy. :)
One song....... you like because of its lyrics.
I hardly ever listen to music BECAUSE of their lyrics. I'm more of a "I like the song because it sounds good" person.